That's right... I'm one quarter of the way done with Nursing School!! Graduation is still a year from now, but 1/4 of the way done sounds so great, doesn't it?! Nursing school has been good so far. The first few weeks I was a bit insane, but I stuck through it... more importantly, Mark stuck through it with me. I had a few random freak outs and would cry for no reason, and he was mostly sweet through it all. Haha, no we was really sweet. (I have the best husband) My clinical time at the hospital has been such a great learning experience for me. I did urinary catheters, gave shots, gave meds, and soooooo much fun stuff! It took me a little while to get used to the nursing test style, and to learn which method of studying works best for me, and to get used to my cram-packed days of school and work. But it's all doable. And I did it! I'm pumped and ready for 3 more blocks of joy! Wish me luck? And in a year... you can call me Nurse April.
That's awesome! Congrats! I can't wait to start Nursing School...someday I swear.
yay!!! Second block is fun...labor and delivery!
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